Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Do Hard Things

We are reading this book for an "older kids book club." 

We're only halfway through, but we've discussed some wonderful issues already:

Where did the word "teenager" come from?

What do adults and kids expect from teenagers? Are these expectations fair or reasonable?

These years from childhood to leaving home- what are they FOR, really?

Is it good for a Christian to be known primarily for what they DON'T do? 

Why do grades matter? (or do they at all?)

How do law and gospel relate to all this?
What does it mean to love and serve your neighbor?

This is Seth's favorite quote so far:

Peter's Misc facts

Oh my!

Peter REALLY loves random facts about life. In fact, it has become nearly impossible to work in the same room while he's reading one of these books. He gets so EXCITED he just CAN'T EVEN restrain himself from sharing!  He hit me with no less than seven facts in five minutes this morning, all before coffee!!!

I've learned that letting him read these books while I'm writing emails is a bad idea.
However, they are great companions when we have a long car ride!

Aggie's first update

Aggie hit the ground running with our book challenge. I first told her of the idea last week, and she immediately dove in, revisiting her favorite series. She LOVES the freedom to read all the fiction she wants. I think she is going to be our star reader this summer!

Her current favorites:
The Series of Unfortunate Events
Whatever After (series)

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

book-a-thon announcement

Wendover Academy Homeschool has just shifted in to "summer mode!"

What does this mean? Principal and primary teacher Emily Cook explains, "Summer is for nature exploration, sleeping in, and a lighter schedule. Yet even in resting, we will continue to feed our minds and souls with the good, the true and the beautiful."  To this end, Wendover Academy is beginning a summer book-a-thon.

The purpose is two-fold: to encourage brain activity even in summertime, and to help fund school expenses.

The Cook family is part of a Classical Conversations community in Louisville, Kentucky.  Wendover Academy has risen to high standards thanks to the classical, Christian curriculum provided by CC. The Cook family has received invaluable support in its transition to homeschool through their local CC community.

Due to recent insurance and building changes, the church that serves as the meeting place needs to charge more per family for their usage. The family hopes to offset some of those costs with this book-a-thon. They are seeking family and friends to donate either a small amount per book, or a flat donation. All donations will directly fund homeschool facility, supply, or book expenses. Leave a pledge or a challenge in the comments below. Or if you prefer, send us a contribution by mail or contribute via PayPal here.

You can follow their adventures at this blog! Here, the kids will offer book reviews and updates. Or maybe you'd like to recommend one of your favorite books to a specific Cook kid! Just leave a comment or send Emily an email.

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